Monday, February 28, 2011


So instead of despising technology, I am going to learn to use it. I found this fun little thing on my phone that I don't know how to use that takes voice notes (I know, not that exciting for you!) But for me this is great, I just have to actually use it. I come up with the most random, fleeting thoughts in a 24 hour period.. now I can record them since I don't always have the motivation, time, or tools to actually write it down. So from here on out I'm hoping that at the end of each day I can share my random thoughts and experiences. Today I mentally checked out, which I think is a healthy thing to do from time to time. I make a conscious effort everyday to be positive and live in the moment that I often push aside feelings that sometimes need to be felt. So today I hung out with me and only me all day long. I listened to a lot of music, read a lot of different things, looked at pictures, journal d. I felt a wide variety of emotions. I came out of it with the realization that was drilled into my head by a Dave Matthews song.. "Some people do, Some people don't, Some people will, Some people wont, I do." Everybody is so different from eachother. We're all human we we posses different qualities, you have to take the good with the bad. Its ok to disagree, feel upset, cry, laugh out loud, whatever.. we were given these feelings of emotion for a reason and I feel that just as long as you don't use them to pass judgment its healthy. I constantly find myself passing judgment, there are times "I just know how others feel" this way of thinking needs to stop. And I think the best place to start is to make peace. I need confront the situations that make me feel uneasy, I need to take the dicontent feelings and make them content, I need to challenge my fears, and I need to start accepting things for just the way they are. As my mother says, "turn the page" .. life is written in pen, your story is your story, but you can always turn the page. Goodnight.

lets try this again.

So I originally started this blog for an internship I was applying for. I obviously was not accepted, but I love to write and I am not going to let what I once began to create die. I've made up my mind, I want to become a writer. So why not start somewhere small, eh? Although I did not get the internship, it pushed me to pursue my dreams. This summer I am moving back to New Jersey =). For those of you who don't know me, I have a HUGE family that resides on the east coast, and thanks to social networking I've learned that I have so much more in common with them then I realized. Things that I once thought were unique traits of mine, I've come to find run in my family, so comforting. I have HUGE dreams, small goals, I am on a mission, my goal.. total happiness. I want to inspire others. I want to take all my experiences and use them as a tool. Everything I once said "I wish I could.." I am now doing. Maybe I'll love it, maybe not. I won't figure it out though until I try. I intend to use this blog to share my thoughts, spread my happiness. I know that there are hundreds of people in the world that have unknowingly inspired me. People who have brought smiles to my face without knowing. I would be more than honored to have the affect on ONE single person the way so many have had on me.