Friday, February 17, 2012

If you want it, GO GET IT!!

"Don't ever wait for a man to ask you out, you ask him out." - My Mother

So it was a typical morning. Woke up, had my coffee, showered, went to work. No big D. It was lunch time, and it was a slow morning. I was standing around, watching highlights of Michael Jordan's career (HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD MAN!) and something caught my eye. It was a man, and he was very attractive. I gazed in his direction, snapped out of it, and went to the bathroom. While I was washing my hands I thought to myself, "Why aren't people more forward?" Personally I would love for someone to randomly approach me and tell me something they are thinking. I talked to a few people at work and it just seemed to me that in doing so these days it comes off as being a little socially awkward. People may think you're what they call, a creep. But, why? What is wrong with pursuing something that you want?

I decided to break the social mold society has formed.. I decided I was going to approach this man. What was the worst that could happen, he has a girlfriend? he says no? What was there to loose, I was probably never going to see him again anyway. My hands got all clammy, my heart beat picked up its pace, and to be honest I was perspirating more than usual, but I was going to do this. This man got up to leave, and I froze. I hesitated, I was nervous. However, now that I made such a big deal about people just doing the norm. I had to follow through. By this time, he was out the door. Without thinking, I ran out after him and shouted across the parking lot "EXCUSE ME SIR!" he turned around and politely asked if he had forgotten something. I smiled and replied, "No, but I did, I forgot to ask for your number." I proceeded to shake his hand, and introduce myself. I asked if he had a girlfriend. To my surprise he said... "NO :)" I than asked him if I could take him on a date. We laughed, exchanged numbers and I continued on with my day.

Doing this was a great feeling. I wish people would start going after what they want, making changes when something doesn't exactly work, speak on how they really feel and not just say what the other person wants to hear. I am constantly repeating myself, but you are responsible for your happiness. I am NOT saying, this man is going to make me happy, but following through with my desire and pursuing a dinner with him will. It isn't 1932, It is 2012. It is attractive to have confidence, and it is necessary to take action in order to see change.

This challenge that I put myself up to was extremely rewarding. So why don't you try it? Even something small. If you like a lady's sweater, ask her where she got it. If you meet a man who is a fire man and you've always wanted to be one, ask him how he did it. You'll never know the answer is you don't ask the question. Stop worrying about what others will think. If I listened to the little voice in my head today vs. approaching the subject. I would of walked out of work, still with a writers block, convinced that someone I never met had a girlfriend and would of laughed at my offer to take him on a date. Stop holding back and standing on a ledge, jump, expand your wings and soar.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


First of all, can someone please answer this question for me. Who the {bleep} is the person who thought of love, related cupid, and imagined a flying midget, with curly hair, holding a weapon?? I guess technically today, that is the perfect illustration for the love in my life, but, I certainly hope that its not supposed to be meaning of Valentines Day.

Yes, almost every single female in God's creation will tell you.. "Halmark makes billions off of today, its not a real holiday." That may be true. But what the hell is wrong with creating a holiday that is based upon love? Ok yeah, show your love the other 364 days a year, don't need a day to tell my man I love him.. whatever, get real. We're human and we don't do that. Why can't people just look at the good in their life? Call a relative and ask them how they are. If you want flowers, give flowers. Why, as humans, must we turn a day of love into a day of self pity?

Today I went to 5 different thrift stores, I bought 22 books, 8 ties, acrylic paint, 1 pair of jeans, and  a Rolling Stones record. Why? because all of those things make me happy. I had dinner with my family and now I am sitting in the corner, on my floor writing.. because these are things I LOVE TO DO. Had I waited for someone else to make me feel as fulfilled as I do in the moment, I'd be waiting a life time. Why a life time? Because happiness comes from with in. We are responsible for our own feelings and happiness. We can only change what is on the inside, not whats on the outside.

Come next year, I hope more people in the world take a look in the mirror and truly love themselves. If you don't love yourself, no one else will. Happy Valentines day, you are beautiful.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My. punctuation:; skills\ suck&@#

Honestly, I am taking into consideration recording the hundreds of excuses I hear daily, and composing a book of it. It would probably be quoted in the Tribune as, "Extremely Pathetic" and "Nobody Cares!". I sincerely hope that if you are reading this you realize that A.) You are responsible for your life. B.) Your personal happiness and success depends on you. and C.) Contrary to some people's beliefs, a bald little man, wearing a sweet bow tie, is NOT going to appear on your front porch, hand you a bag of money, take away your problems, and grant you happiness. When I think about it, its simple to me. However, I try to understand that it isn't so simple for everyone else. So let me break this down in layman's terms..
We all have problems, are granted the luxury a broken heart, loose someone close to us, hate our job, loose our job. We all experience anxiety, lack of control, extreme emotion, fear, and happiness. How do I know this you ask? Life, I know this because this is life. The issue here is not these few circumstances listed. The issue is peoples reactions to them, and how they are handled.

The way I look at all things in life and try my hardest to follow goes a little something like this:

  • The only promise in life is Today. You can't do anything with yesterday, and tomorrow may never come. Therefore, TODAY do the next right thing. If there is ever doubt that something isn't ok, don't do it, speak up, walk away. Trust your gut instict, the little knot in your tummy is there for a reason man.
  • If you don't know something, ask the question. It is ok to ask for help. Regardless of what you've been told we can't do anything alone. Somehow, someway, we depend on people. We would never learn anything if someone didn't teach us. Use people. There are different people put in our lives for different reasons, some good some bad, but they are there on purpose. 
  • Stop the judgment people! Until you've given a person, place, thing, or belief an honest chance you have no room to judge and criticize. The asshole who cut you off in traffic may have just left his mothers wake, lost their job, or are running late for a life changing interview. Yeah sure, he could just be an asshole, but how do you know? Why not try to accept situations and peoples opinions for what they are.
  • Let go. Every problem starts and ends with you. If you have an issue with someone or something don't point the finger, look inside yourself. We are human, there is always room for change. We aren't given anything we can't handle. From all situations there is always a lesson to be learned, the key is you have to look for it.
  • Give your memory a break and get honest.. nobody likes a liar.
  • And my favorite. The cure of anything in my opinion. LAUGHTER!! Nothing is that serious. Force yourself into uncontrollable laughter. Do something fun everyday. Watch a funny movie. Hang around positive people. It is impossible to feel sad, angry, mad, worried, ect. when you are laughing. It is the most affordable antidepressant for those of us without health insurance :o) .. I think you should force yourself to laugh right now, do it. Go ahead push out a big ol fart, I mean laugh. ;)
My point to this.. Stop complaining about what you don't have, how something didn't go. Get some gratitude dude. There is ALWAYS someone worse off. Stop running in circles looking for a break, waiting for happiness to come to you. Go out and find happiness, make changes. If your not happy, its your problem. And its ok to talk about an issue, and seek help and guidance. Its another thing to dump the same crap on different people everyday. I hate to break it to you but no one cares that much.

LAUGH. LOVE. AND TAKE OFF YOUR SOCKS! (its a good feeling)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

24 years young :)

Haven't blogged in a LONG time. This post is way past due. Because of my book, I stopped sharing my thoughts publicly, but per request and much persuasion I'll now be back at it.

Soo.. today is my BIRTHDAY !! 24 years young, holllerrr :) !! This morning I woke up with so much gratitude. I am so thankful for the life I have been given, and I am truly proud of where I am at. Looking back at this day last year, I had no clue that I would be where I am at now. Age 23 will absolutely be marked as my year of personal growth. I can't stress enough how important it is to take life one day at a time, because we really have no control of tomorrow, and we have no idea what our future entails.

In the last year of this journey called life I have experienced so much happiness and heart ache. I met some of the greatest people that changed my whole world. And I lost people that I once thought I could not live without. I experienced the joys of birth and the sorrows of death. I moved to a new state and moved back home. I sat front seat in an airplane and than proceeded to sky dive out of it. I learned that it is possible to love again, and a heartbreak will teach your more about yourself that happiness will ever allow. I saw multiple football stadiums and I handled the upset of the bears falling apart without punching a wall. I gained knowledge on how valuable it is to have a bike, and the fact that having a car is not a necessity. I lived on an organic farm and filleted my own fish. I gave love to people without judgement and I also came to accept that not everyone will love me, and people will judge me. There is an up for every down. There is a journey out there waiting for us, we just to look for it. In every situation there is always something to be learned. At the end of the day I believe that out of all bad comes good if you look for it.

Last year I went on what I would like to call.. a pursuit of happiness. This year I am going to learn to find happiness in the pursuit. I trust in the universe, and more importantly I believe in myself. Do one thing everyday that makes you happy, but also attempt something that scares the hell out of you. Travel, it is in my opinion the best education you will receive. Make new friends, but treasure the old. Let life take you for a ride, look forward to the sun after the storm, and laugh it all off. Life is to short to worry about the could haves. If it should have, it would have. Let go of yesterday, life for today, and hope for the best in tomorrow.

With all my love, on my day of birth. <3 Christine.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Ever feel like you are living your life to meet others expectations of you? Or have you ever just felt that you are putting to much pressure on  yourself? I know I have and still do experience both, hence the reason I have no expectations of others.  For me personally I woke up one day and asked myself who am I? I knew I was Christine, a hairstylist, bartender, friend, daughter, sister.. but who am I really. So I was set out on a mission to figure it out. lm learning that I am a writer, an artist, a runner, a spirtual individual. Finding and figuring myself out is so fun. I'm here, alone in a new state figuring me out. I hate to watch people beat themselves up, I hate to watch people pressure others into living the dream they didn't have the guts to chase. Life is meant to be lived, fun, easy. Stop taking it so seriously. Step out of your box and do something that makes YOU happy today. Stop saying you will and actually do. Know one gets out of this thing called life alive, so atleast enjoy the ride and keep your expectations low. much love and lots of laughs :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Let it be known, tomorrow I will not be able to walk. Its killing me not to work, so I have been staying super active. Ran 4 miles this morning, worked in the garden for 3 hours, than went for a long bike ride. Feels great, but tomorrow I will probably use every curse word under the sun with each step I take. Just saying.

Anyhow, have you ever heard the expression.. "When the students ready, the teacher appears."? Its so true, when your ready to learn, or its a time where you need to know something. There is always someone or something there to either give you the advice you need to hear, or push you in the right direction.

Well today some random dude, struck up a conversation with me. We were making small talk and he said to me, "I can only hang out with people who look at the glass as being half full. If I don't, I get aggregated. Than I feel the need to vent, I vent to the wrong person, and its all drama from there." So random and very forward. But thats as real as it gets. It made so much sense to me. I don't like being around negative people, I can't stand them actually. And its human nature to express your feelings when you are not content. May not always be to the right person, but you discuss it. From there shit usually rolls down hill, fast.

Like a slap in the face it hit me, I need to surround my self with half glass full kid of people. As long as I do that, I'll never have to be involved in a dramatic situation again. ( NOTE: I dislike using the word drama, because I feel that a lot of traumatic situations are classified as dramatic and more often than not ignored. I feel in the deepest parts of my heart that if people stopped "avoiding the drama" and stared confronting situations, there be a lot more happier people today.)

Thats my wisdom for today, thats what I learned, so I thought I'd share. Maybe someone else needs to hear it put this way to.

peace. love. and exercise.

p.s. - MY BIKE WILL BE FINISHED NEXT WEEK , sooo excited. (I'd say I'll post a picture, but I left my camera back home, and lost my phone, but mark my word it will be sick.)

Friday, April 29, 2011

and now its available for all to see..

So I have to admit, I was in a shitty mood today. As always, it didn't last long. I actually just got stuck in my own head for a while, and thats not always a good thing. I'm currently in a spot of contemplation and reflection. I am using my time wisely and focusing on Christine and her dreams. I will assume that if you are reading this than you know about the website and hopefully you follow it, if not I think you should ;). 

Anyyywayyyyyy.. It was suggested that I answer these questions open and honestly, so therefore I am going to do so. Everyone should try it, the craziest thing that could happed is something good may come from it.

1. Say your “official” job title out loud. Three times. Deep breath. How does it make you feel?
I am an award winning author, and right reviews for a travel magazine, rating destinations all around the world.
2. How much money would you like to make, annually? Visualize that number. Feel its energetic value. What’s happening in body, as you hold that number in your heart?
I'd like to make $250,000 per year. I felt comfortability and compassion. I felt the need to give to others. I felt safe and secure. I smiled.  :)  
3. What’s on your “stop-doing” list? What do you need to delegate (or eliminate), to make space for magic?
I am eliminating the people in my life who bring me down, and I will no longer allow people to take advantage of me. 
4. What do people thank you for, consistently? What’s the common thread of golden praise?
I am most often thanked for small acts of kindness. I enjoy helping others, and I am a huge people pleaser. Most often than not I step up to the plate when no one else will, and friends in my life appreciate that. Also I am a kick ass hairstylist, and everyone always thanks me after leaving my chair, its pretty awesome.. not gunna lie.
5. So…for real, now. What would you like to do with your life and career? {Money is no object. Dream high as the sky.}
I have a dream, that one day this nation will rise up and live.. no im just kidding. My dream is to become a well known author, who lives a low key life style. Simple, comfortable. happy, and full of love. I travel often for work, but work is play for me. I do what I love. I would like to stop working early, live comfortable and grow my own unique family. I want to become a mother who allows her children to be whoever they are born to be. I want to grow old with a man, one who loves me and respects me. A man who accepts me just as I am. Than make a come back and start writing books again. (I like to shock people) In the mean time, I dream to paint and express my creativity in ever outlet possible and run or ride a bike long distances. I dream of being happy and living in the now.
These questions along with my answers may have thrown some people off. But these are my thoughts and dreams put out there for all to see. Truth is, this is me.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I know i will.