Friday, April 29, 2011

and now its available for all to see..

So I have to admit, I was in a shitty mood today. As always, it didn't last long. I actually just got stuck in my own head for a while, and thats not always a good thing. I'm currently in a spot of contemplation and reflection. I am using my time wisely and focusing on Christine and her dreams. I will assume that if you are reading this than you know about the website and hopefully you follow it, if not I think you should ;). 

Anyyywayyyyyy.. It was suggested that I answer these questions open and honestly, so therefore I am going to do so. Everyone should try it, the craziest thing that could happed is something good may come from it.

1. Say your “official” job title out loud. Three times. Deep breath. How does it make you feel?
I am an award winning author, and right reviews for a travel magazine, rating destinations all around the world.
2. How much money would you like to make, annually? Visualize that number. Feel its energetic value. What’s happening in body, as you hold that number in your heart?
I'd like to make $250,000 per year. I felt comfortability and compassion. I felt the need to give to others. I felt safe and secure. I smiled.  :)  
3. What’s on your “stop-doing” list? What do you need to delegate (or eliminate), to make space for magic?
I am eliminating the people in my life who bring me down, and I will no longer allow people to take advantage of me. 
4. What do people thank you for, consistently? What’s the common thread of golden praise?
I am most often thanked for small acts of kindness. I enjoy helping others, and I am a huge people pleaser. Most often than not I step up to the plate when no one else will, and friends in my life appreciate that. Also I am a kick ass hairstylist, and everyone always thanks me after leaving my chair, its pretty awesome.. not gunna lie.
5. So…for real, now. What would you like to do with your life and career? {Money is no object. Dream high as the sky.}
I have a dream, that one day this nation will rise up and live.. no im just kidding. My dream is to become a well known author, who lives a low key life style. Simple, comfortable. happy, and full of love. I travel often for work, but work is play for me. I do what I love. I would like to stop working early, live comfortable and grow my own unique family. I want to become a mother who allows her children to be whoever they are born to be. I want to grow old with a man, one who loves me and respects me. A man who accepts me just as I am. Than make a come back and start writing books again. (I like to shock people) In the mean time, I dream to paint and express my creativity in ever outlet possible and run or ride a bike long distances. I dream of being happy and living in the now.
These questions along with my answers may have thrown some people off. But these are my thoughts and dreams put out there for all to see. Truth is, this is me.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I know i will.

1 comment:

  1. Running long distances...totally loving that comment :) Let me know if you decide to sign up for any races!
