Sunday, April 24, 2011

its the law..

The law of attraction. I am unaware as to how many people actually read into this, practice it, believe in it, etc. I can only speak for myself, and I am a huge believer and try my best to always practice. For anyone reading who has never heard this before. Put simply, the law of attraction states that you get out of life what you think about most. I can go on and ramble for hours about this, get into deep discussions, heated arguments,  spiritual tangents, but I'll spare you and just share a story that I find to be so awesome.

This past Thursday, I was sitting with my aunt and she began to show me random items that she collects from the beach. One of them being, heart shaped stones. I was so fascinated by them, thought they were the coolest things.

Friday night my father and grandmother joined us for dinner (which was AMAZING, fresh homemade crab cakes, now thats whats up), my dad started to tell this story about how his brother (my uncle) collects and finds these heart shaped rocks. We laughed a little, talked about how ironic it was that we were just talking about this. My grandmother than goes on to explain that she always had a knack for finding them as well. I was so impressed, thought it was great.

Today my father walked into Easter brunch, opened his hand, and he had 2 heart shaped rocks and said "look what I found this morning walking the beach." I thought it was amazing that after just have this discussion he nonchalantly came across them while taking a morning walk.

After brunch, I went down to Poverty beach. Sat alone in silence for a bit, and just took in my surroundings. I looked around and I was surrounded by shells and stones. I decided to experiment (I do this often). I closed my eyes for 5 minutes and cleared my mind, after doing so I imagined finding one of these heart shaped stones that seem to be oh so popular amongst my family. I sat up looked to my left, and the first thing to grab my attention was a heart shaped stone. I was so excited.

When my father showed me his stone, he held it up and said to me, "remember Christine, we change from the inside out." I smiled and I felt a sense of calmness, I smiled and felt that same sense of calmness when I found the stone on my own. Every time I hold it I will remind myself, I am changing everyday from the inside out.. and it all starts with the heart.

Happy Easter everyone, be thankful today for the life you were blessed wit. And remember.. who every said life sucked lied. Life is meant to be lived, and living it can be so great.

peace. love. and pancakes :)

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