Friday, February 10, 2012

My. punctuation:; skills\ suck&@#

Honestly, I am taking into consideration recording the hundreds of excuses I hear daily, and composing a book of it. It would probably be quoted in the Tribune as, "Extremely Pathetic" and "Nobody Cares!". I sincerely hope that if you are reading this you realize that A.) You are responsible for your life. B.) Your personal happiness and success depends on you. and C.) Contrary to some people's beliefs, a bald little man, wearing a sweet bow tie, is NOT going to appear on your front porch, hand you a bag of money, take away your problems, and grant you happiness. When I think about it, its simple to me. However, I try to understand that it isn't so simple for everyone else. So let me break this down in layman's terms..
We all have problems, are granted the luxury a broken heart, loose someone close to us, hate our job, loose our job. We all experience anxiety, lack of control, extreme emotion, fear, and happiness. How do I know this you ask? Life, I know this because this is life. The issue here is not these few circumstances listed. The issue is peoples reactions to them, and how they are handled.

The way I look at all things in life and try my hardest to follow goes a little something like this:

  • The only promise in life is Today. You can't do anything with yesterday, and tomorrow may never come. Therefore, TODAY do the next right thing. If there is ever doubt that something isn't ok, don't do it, speak up, walk away. Trust your gut instict, the little knot in your tummy is there for a reason man.
  • If you don't know something, ask the question. It is ok to ask for help. Regardless of what you've been told we can't do anything alone. Somehow, someway, we depend on people. We would never learn anything if someone didn't teach us. Use people. There are different people put in our lives for different reasons, some good some bad, but they are there on purpose. 
  • Stop the judgment people! Until you've given a person, place, thing, or belief an honest chance you have no room to judge and criticize. The asshole who cut you off in traffic may have just left his mothers wake, lost their job, or are running late for a life changing interview. Yeah sure, he could just be an asshole, but how do you know? Why not try to accept situations and peoples opinions for what they are.
  • Let go. Every problem starts and ends with you. If you have an issue with someone or something don't point the finger, look inside yourself. We are human, there is always room for change. We aren't given anything we can't handle. From all situations there is always a lesson to be learned, the key is you have to look for it.
  • Give your memory a break and get honest.. nobody likes a liar.
  • And my favorite. The cure of anything in my opinion. LAUGHTER!! Nothing is that serious. Force yourself into uncontrollable laughter. Do something fun everyday. Watch a funny movie. Hang around positive people. It is impossible to feel sad, angry, mad, worried, ect. when you are laughing. It is the most affordable antidepressant for those of us without health insurance :o) .. I think you should force yourself to laugh right now, do it. Go ahead push out a big ol fart, I mean laugh. ;)
My point to this.. Stop complaining about what you don't have, how something didn't go. Get some gratitude dude. There is ALWAYS someone worse off. Stop running in circles looking for a break, waiting for happiness to come to you. Go out and find happiness, make changes. If your not happy, its your problem. And its ok to talk about an issue, and seek help and guidance. Its another thing to dump the same crap on different people everyday. I hate to break it to you but no one cares that much.

LAUGH. LOVE. AND TAKE OFF YOUR SOCKS! (its a good feeling)

1 comment:

  1. i am guilty of complaining about life, but when im done i realize there are people out there worse off than me, it may not mean much but i apologize to those people, in my head, for complaining about a life in which is not as difficult. This writing is deep and it makes alot of sense! and more people should live life like this, or at least take a step back and relize some of the more important things in life!! well written!! When i have the new baby and i go out to jersey to see alyson you should fly out too so we can all get summer maybe!! <3 ya much!! Christine
